SOS Only: Understanding “SOS Only” on iPhone

The term “SOS Only” on an iPhone can be quite alarming if you’re not familiar with what it means. This article aims to shed light on what “SOS Only” signifies, why it appears, and how to address it.

SOS Only

What Does “SOS Only” Mean on iPhone?

“SOS Only” or simply “SOS” appears in the carrier field, at the top of the screen on your iPhone. This warning signifies that your iPhone is out of range of your normal carrier.

In this state, the only calls you can make are emergency calls to numbers like 911 (US), 112 (Europe), 999 (UK), or 000 (Australia).

Normal calls to standard numbers won’t work and you won’t be able to send text messages. Data services that connect to the internet also won’t work.

SOS Only
How to interpret and address the “SOS Only” message for uninterrupted communication.

Why Does My Phone Say “SOS Only”?

“SOS Only” means that the carrier your iPhone normally uses is out of range but that you’re in range of a rival network.

If AT&T subscribers find themselves in an area exclusively covered by Verizon, their iPhones will display the SOS Only warning.

This means you can still call for help if you find yourself in trouble but outside of normal cell phone range.

“SOS Only” will appear when you’re traveling abroad depending on which country you are calling from.

“SOS Only” can also appear at times when your cell phone provider is experiencing outages.

How to Fix “SOS Only” on an iPhone

Since “SOS Only” is more of a failsafe feature than a problem, the only “fix” is to move within range of your carrier’s network.

If you see the message appear a lot, you might want to consider making use of your iPhone’s dual-SIM capabilities and subscribing to another mobile plan.

Sometimes your iPhone can get “stuck” on the “SOS Only” warning, causing it to appear in areas where you normally get a signal.

In this instance, you can try enabling Airplane Mode by swiping down from the top-right corner and toggling the plane symbol on and then off in Control Center.


Understanding the “SOS Only” warning on your iPhone can help you navigate situations where you’re out of your carrier’s range.

It’s a failsafe feature designed to ensure you can still make emergency calls when necessary. If you frequently encounter this warning, consider subscribing to an additional mobile plan or try toggling Airplane Mode on and off to re-establish a connection.

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